一般来说,快速格式化比完全格式化要好,因为一方面可以以很快的速度格式化完成,另外一方面对硬盘的磨损要少。但是如果怀疑硬盘上可能有坏道的话,就应该进行完全格式化对硬盘进行一次完全的扫描,完全格式化会对硬盘上的坏道作标记防止后续的使用,可以在一定程度上提高有坏道硬盘的使用。快速格式化只清除分区表里的文件位置 信息,而格式化则会清除所有文件信息。系统安装:普通格式化与快速格式化的区别
When you choose to run a regular format on a volume, files are removed from the
volume that you are formatting and the hard disk is scanned for bad sectors. Thescan for bad sectors is responsible for the majority of the time that it takes to format a volume.If you choose the Quick format option, format removes files from the partition,
but does not scan the disk for bad sectors. Only use this option if your hard diskhas been previously formatted and you are sure that your hard disk is not damaged.If you installed Windows XP on a partition that was formatted by using the Quick
format option, you can also check your disk by using the chkdsk /r command after the installation of Windows XP is completed.